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Translation of websites
In case you are wondering why you should have your website translated into a foreign language, here are some good reasons: by having your website translated, you can reach new customers, grow your company’s recognition and hence increase the sales of your products or services.
Statistics show how beneficial it is to have a website translated:
● Over 100 million people check only those websites written in their mother tongue.
● Over 50 percent of web searching on the Google search engine is done in some other language than English.
● Having a website written in a language that is also a mother tongue of the web user increases the chance of buying a product by four times.
● Having a website written in a language that is also a mother tongue of the web visitor makes that visitor linger on the website twice as long.
If you desire to venture into foreign markets and hence attract customers from abroad, you should decide to translate your website as soon as possible and in this way increase your chances of success. A multilingual website will be the proof that you care about your customers.
Before submitting the text to be translated, you should think carefully about what topics on your website have to be available in foreign languages, and what topics are targeted at your home market.
A flawless, high quality translation, which is easy and enjoyable to read in a foreign language will be provided by our team of translators. The process of localization will also be taken care of and in this way enable your website to meet the needs and requirements of the local environment. Our team will be at your service in the long run to help you with your future translations required to upgrade your website.