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    Medicinski prevodi

    Medical translations

    When it comes to health there can be no compromises. We know that patients’ lives are in the hands of doctors, pharmacists and other medical personnel. That is why we strictly comply with all regulations, including country-specific ones.

    We choose expert translators who have completed the necessary medical training. All translators must pass our tests, and are regularly provided with further training and information on developments. In this way, we ensure that they are always acquainted with the developments relevant for your products and services. We carefully follow and ensure compliance with all national and international amendments and developments in the following fields:

    • European Medicines Agency (EMA)
    • US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • US Code of Federal Regulations (Title 21, Chapter I: FDA)
    • Structured Product Labelling (in accordance with the provisions of the FDA)
    • UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
    • Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

    Our translators have experience translating patient-reported outcomes, clinical and regulatory documentation related to patient-reported outcomes, such as official records, standard operating procedures, contracts and agreements, case report forms, worksheets, medical forms and records.

    One of our departments specializes solely in the translation of marketing texts from the fields of natural sciences and medicine.

    As medical translations often contain personal data and confidential information, AdriatIQa has established strict security procedures. We guarantee complete confidentiality with limited, documented and archived access to data. All data are password-protected and stored on our secure web server.