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Quality translations are our top priority. Any translation delivered to you must be faultless. This is why we work only with the best translators who pass our test, and who are linguists or native speakers of the languages they translate into. Many of them have a thorough command of the technical terminology from various fields. Before its delivery to you, the translation is checked by a proofreader who makes sure that it is correct from the linguistic point of view.

Our quality was confirmed on several occasions by external evaluators:

  • Since May 2002, our team holds the quality management system certificate compliant to the ISO 9001 standard.
  • We operate in compliance with the strict European translation quality standard, ISO 17100:2015, specifying in great detail the procedures of taking an order, operational terms and conditions, contracts, and the organization of the translation process.
  • Strict protection of confidential data that we encounter during our work is guaranteed by the criteria of information security compliant to the ISO 27001 standard.
  • We hold the environmental management system certificate according to the ISO 14001 standard.

Years of experience have enabled us to develop a smooth system of work that ensures adherence to set standards. The system is customer friendly and leads to efficient cooperation between translators and project managers. Translations are implemented with the help of specialized software tools that assure consistency and accuracy while also speeding up the translation process.

Quality management system certificate ISO 9001:2015

The quality management system certificate ISO 9001:2015 attests to the fact that we follow the set quality guidelines. The guidelines specified in this standard ensure constant monitoring of the quality of a wide range of translation services. This helps us establish partner relationships with our customers, and enables our employees to grow personally and contribute to the company’s growth.

Since obtaining the certificate in 2002, a group of internal auditors checks our compliance with it once a year, while external auditors check our compliance every three years.

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    Translation quality standard ISO 17100:2015

    The ISO 17100:2015 standard specifies the procedure of taking a translation order, operational terms and conditions, contracts and the organization of the translation process.

    The standard stipulates the requirements that translation service providers need to meet in terms of human and technical resources, quality, project management, basic contractual provisions and the procedures for delivering services. It also defines the basic translation process and other aspects related to the delivery of such services.

    Application of ISO 17100:2015 also provides the means by which a translation service provider (TSP) can demonstrate conformity of specified translation services to ISO 17100:2015 and the capability of its processes and resources to deliver a translation service that will meet the client’s and other applicable specifications.

    Information security management system ISO 27001

    In our work we come into contact with a lot of confidential data. Security is ensured systematically by following a set of criteria specified in the ISO 27001 standard. These criteria cover the management of all information security aspects so that our customers can be sure that their information will be kept in strict confidence.

    ISO/IEC 27001:2013 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the organization. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization.

    Environmental management system ISO 14001

    The ISO 14000 family of standards provides practical tools for companies and organizations of all kinds looking to manage their environmental responsibilities.

    The goals and expectations of this standard pertain to the constant improvement of the ecological balance through the reduction of emissions, waste and wastewater. Our company’s environmental management system is based on the efficient use of resources by all employees and the use of renewable energy sources.